Wiringpi missing package

during installation; sudo ./ppp_install_standalone.sh, of the 3G/4G/LTE base shied the process fails with error “Unable to locate package wiringpi”. I have confirmed wiringpi is indeed installed and working. I’ve included a picture of this and could use any help on getting this issue resolved. Thanks in advance to anyone out there who might know the answer.

Hi @vin,

The process fails during handling the wiring pi package.
We will fix the bug soon. Thank you for your feedback.For the time being you may remove the following line from the ppp_install_standalone.sh and install it.

gpio readall | grep Oops > /dev/null
if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then 
	colored_echo "Known wiringpi issue is detected! Wiringpi is updating..."
	wget https://project-downloads.drogon.net/wiringpi-latest.deb
	sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb

Thank you.

Hi, I have the same issue. During installationthe process fails with error “Unable to locate package wiringpi”. We are having problems with the 3g connection and we do not know if that is the cause.

Could this package have something to do with the 3G connection issue?
Do you plan to solve this installer issue?

Thanks in advance


This error encounters when the Linux cannot install the package, There could be many reasons for this,

  • apt repository not updated,
  • the package is not available for the current Linux version
  • issues with the internet connection while looking for the package.

If you can confirm the wiring pi package is installed and working fine in your Raspberry Pi, you may remove the following line from the ppp_install.sh or ppp_install_standalone.sh script and reinstall it.

colored_echo "ppp and wiringpi (gpio tool) installing..."
apt-get install ppp wiringpi -y
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then colored_echo "Process failed" ${RED}; exit 1; fi

# test wiringpi and fix if there is any issue
gpio readall | grep Oops > /dev/null
if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then 
	colored_echo "Known wiringpi issue is detected! Wiringpi is updating..."
	wget https://project-downloads.drogon.net/wiringpi-latest.deb
	sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb

To test the wiringPi use the following commands:
gpio -v
gpio readall

I used this link with success

We will recommend using WiringPi which is now maintained by the community