Does the UPS HAT come pre-configured with the default settings or must it be initialized before use by downloading the Sixfab utility software and connecting over a network to the Sixfab Power Management Platform? Second question is must the Sixfab UPS HAT be connected to the Sixfab utility software at all times for proper functioning and also at all times over a network to the Sixfab Power Management Platform? Both questions assume that the default settings are correct for the configuration. Third question is if a settings is changed, is it stored in FLASH or Battery Backed RAM?
The HAT comes with the default FIrmware available during its production.
There might be updates in the Firmware versions by the time the HAT reaches you. Thus, it is recommended to connect it to Power Software and keep it up to date.
You can use it without keeping it connected to the Power Software. Once you configure its behavior its ready to use. Power software becomes handy when it comes to firmware updates and monitoring. If you are using the Python API than you should not keep it connected.
The configuration is stored in the Flash and stored to RAM for quick access.