Rpi / Base Hat / EC25-A - Attach issue


I too am having the detached issue that I’ve seen other people post about on occasion. A few notes:

Raspberry Pi 4
Twilio sim card (activated via website)
Sixfab Base Hat w/ EC25-A module

Additional notes:

  1. The first time I ran step 11, I had the module attached. I shutdown the device, removed the module and re-ran it with the module disconnected. Not sure if this could cause issues
  2. Step 13 says to use the following line of code:
    cd /files/quectel-CM
    When I ran this, it didn’t find the directory and I had to change the code to:
    cd /home/pi/files/quectel-CM
    Is there a script that could be pointing to the wrong directory that is causing it to not attach properly? Is this different location a result of the Rpi4 skipping steps 4-8?

Below is the long you’ve been requesting in other posts. Hopefully the information above can help myself (and others) resolve this issue. I have a feeling based on what I commented above, this is likely related to RPi 4 (though people haven’t been posting their hardware setups so it’s probably hard to tell).

Thanks Saeed!

Here’s that log:

pi@raspberrypi:~/files/quectel-CM $ sudo ./quectel-CM -s internet
[03-19_11:00:25:533] WCDMA&LTE_QConnectManager_Linux&Android_V1.1.45
[03-19_11:00:25:534] ./quectel-CM profile[1] = internet///0, pincode = (null)
[03-19_11:00:25:535] Find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.3 idVendor=2c7c idProduct=0125
[03-19_11:00:25:535] Find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.3:1.4/net/wwan0
[03-19_11:00:25:535] Find usbnet_adapter = wwan0
[03-19_11:00:25:535] Find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.3:1.4/usbmisc/cdc-wdm0
[03-19_11:00:25:535] Find qmichannel = /dev/cdc-wdm0
[03-19_11:00:25:563] /proc/1558/fd/7 → /dev/cdc-wdm0
[03-19_11:00:25:563] /proc/1558/exe → /home/pi/files/quectel-CM/quectel-CM
[03-19_11:00:40:565] force kill /proc/1558/exe → /home/pi/files/quectel-CM/quectel-CM
[03-19_11:00:42:566] cdc_wdm_fd = 7
[03-19_11:00:42:664] Get clientWDS = 19
[03-19_11:00:42:696] Get clientDMS = 1
[03-19_11:00:42:728] Get clientNAS = 3
[03-19_11:00:42:759] Get clientUIM = 1
[03-19_11:00:42:792] Get clientWDA = 1
[03-19_11:00:42:824] requestBaseBandVersion EC25AFAR05A04M4G
[03-19_11:00:42:953] requestGetSIMStatus SIMStatus: SIM_READY
[03-19_11:00:42:953] requestSetProfile[1] internet///0
[03-19_11:00:43:016] requestGetProfile[1] internet///0
[03-19_11:00:43:048] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 310, MNC: 260, PS: Detached, DataCap: UMTS
[03-19_11:00:43:080] requestQueryDataCall IPv4ConnectionStatus: DISCONNECTED
[03-19_11:00:43:144] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 310, MNC: 260, PS: Detached, DataCap: UMTS
[03-19_11:00:48:202] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 310, MNC: 260, PS: Detached, DataCap: UMTS

Hi @brooklja,

Thank you for getting in touch!

While installing, you may have followed the steps incorrectly.
Please, try to re-install using this tutorial.

Check here for the hardware setup.

Let me know if you face any issue. I’d be more than happy to help you.