I’ve purchased the Sixfab 4G/LTE Cellular Modem Kit for Raspberry Pi including the Quectel EG25-G Modem and the two given antennas. Since there is some sort of GNSS availability on this modem, I’d like to know how to parse the GPS coordinates through the modem attached. I’ve looked through this section of the Sixfab website and have attempted to get it through GPS.py (Read GNSS/GPS Data with Sixfab Base HAT) but to no avail. When running it, I get a result like this:
No satellite data available.
Is there another way to receive the GPS coordinates? Currently, my modem is running the firmware EG25GGBR07A08M2G_A0.204.A0.204. Please let me know of a way to output the GPS coordinates properly.
Thank you,