powered up, saw raspberry pi logo, but then only the mouse cursor on the screen and it won’t move.
powered up, saw raspberry pi logo, but then only the mouse cursor on the screen and it won’t move.
Let us send you RPi image so that you can flash it to you SD card.
We will send you an email.
okay - i flashed it, but it doesn’t appear to have all the lorawan gateway software installed…
how do i access the gateway? Is it already installed?
I just tried to install from github and this is the error I get at the end:
gcc -c -O2 -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -Iinc -I. src/base64.c -o obj/base64.o
gcc obj/util_tx_test.o obj/base64.o -o util_tx_test
make[1]: Leaving directory ‘/opt/ttn-gateway/packet_forwarder/util_tx_test’
/opt/ttn-gateway /home/pi/Sixfab_RPi_Lora_Gateway/lora
cp: cannot stat ‘/global_conf.us_902_928.json’: No such file or directory
UPDATE Looks like there was a type in the install script:
if [ $ttn_channel -eq 1 ]; then cp $STTN_CH_CONF_DIR/global_conf.us_902_928.json $INSTALL_DIR/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/global_conf.json fi
the cp $STTN
should just be TTN.
Still not fully connected… finding a few instructions around the web for the things network but don’t really want to use that ultimately. Would like to get this to work at least once this way before I go the other route.
lots of instructions are missing, i didn’t buy this to connect it to the things network.
I will have to setup my own instructions it seems.
Could you please email us. We will install it for you.
emailed…awaiting response. How to proceed?