$PQWM1 Nmea sentence

On BG96 HAT Im getting Nmea sentence.

google seems to know nothing about this format. please share if you know, what is it?
thanks in advance,

Hi @dima,

The BG96 supports GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou.
The prefix of GPS is GP, GLONASS is GL & GN, Galileo is GA & GN and Beidou is PQ.

Hi Ensar,
PQWM1 seems to be a vendor System Status of the BG96 chip.
I wonder if we can implement reading it in python.
My problem is I can not find a document about this standard anywhere,
but android code might be self descriptive.

android library

class SystemStatusPQWM1
uint16_t mGpsWeek; // x1
uint32_t mGpsTowMs; // x2
uint8_t mTimeValid; // x3
uint8_t mTimeSource; // x4
int32_t mTimeUnc; // x5
int32_t mClockFreqBias; // x6
int32_t mClockFreqBiasUnc; // x7
uint8_t mXoState; // x8
int32_t mPgaGain; // x9
uint32_t mGpsBpAmpI; // xA
uint32_t mGpsBpAmpQ; // xB
uint32_t mAdcI; // xC
uint32_t mAdcQ; // xD
uint32_t mJammerGps; // xE
uint32_t mJammerGlo; // xF
uint32_t mJammerBds; // x10
uint32_t mJammerGal; // x11
uint32_t mRecErrorRecovery; // x12
double mAgcGps; // x13
double mAgcGlo; // x14
double mAgcBds; // x15
double mAgcGal; // x16
int32_t mLeapSeconds;// x17
int32_t mLeapSecUnc; // x18
uint32_t mGloBpAmpI; // x19
uint32_t mGloBpAmpQ; // x1A
uint32_t mBdsBpAmpI; // x1B
uint32_t mBdsBpAmpQ; // x1C
uint32_t mGalBpAmpI; // x1D
uint32_t mGalBpAmpQ; // x1E