PMS HAT in state lock after used reset_for_boot_update() python classe

Without understanding the consequences I used reset_for_boot_update() classe of power_api and after restarting my system my HAT PMS seem to be is locked state.

The LEDs L1 and L2 flash quickly with a white color for less than a second and stop for about 4 seconds before starting the cycle again. The power LED is green. The HAT fan runs continuously.

  1. In /var/log/daemon after starting the pms_agent.service service I find:

tail -f /var/log/daemon.log | grep python3

Jun 7 18:56:39 b0x python3 [11344]: DEBUG: root: [FEEDER] Starting, locking
Jun 7 18:56:39 b0x python3 [11344]: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
Jun 7 18:56:39 b0x python3 [11344]: Connected to the server
Jun 7 18:56:39 b0x python3 [11344]: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m1) [(b ‘/ device / Vice-Wife-Dish-….-Juror / directives’, 0)]
Jun 7 18:56:39 b0x python3 [11344]: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m2), ‘b’ / device / Vice-Wife-Dish-……-Juror / status ‘’, … (19 bytes)
Jun 7 18:56:39 b0x python3 [11344]: Received SUBACK
Jun 7 18:56:40 b0x python3 [11344]: error in 0
Jun 7 18:56:40 b0x python3 [11344]: Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), ‘/ device / Vice-Wife-Dish-….-Sift-Juror / directives’, … (56 bytes)
Jun 7 18:56:40 b0x python3 [11344]: DEBUG: root: Setting RTC time to UTC + 2
Jun 7 18:56:40 b0x python3 [11344]: error in 0
Jun 7 18:56:40 b0x python3 [11344]: ERROR: root: # 033 [33m [setRtcTime] # 033 [0m TypeError raised, clearing pipe
Jun 7 18:56:40 b0x python3 [11344]: ERROR: root: [setRtcTime] trying again
Jun 7 18:56:41 b0x python3 [11344]: DEBUG: root: [FEEDER] Starting, locking
Jun 7 18:56:43 b0x python3 [11344]: error in 0
Jun 7 18:56:43 b0x python3 [11344]: ERROR: root: # 033 [33m [setRtcTime] # 033 [0m TypeError raised, clearing pipe
Jun 7 18:56:44 b0x python3 [11344]: ERROR: root: [setRtcTime] trying again
Jun 7 18:56:44 b0x python3 [11344]: error in 1
Jun 7 18:56:44 b0x python3 [11344]: ERROR: root: # 033 [33m [setRtcTime] # 033 [0m TypeError raised, clearing pipe
Jun 7 18:56:44 b0x python3 [11344]: ERROR: root: [setRtcTime] trying again
Jun 7 18:56:47 b0x python3 [11344]: error in 0

  1. root@b0x:~# systemctl status pms_agent.service

● pms_agent.service - Sixfab PMS Agent
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/pms_agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2020-06-07 19:06:24 CEST; 40s ago
Main PID: 17267 (python3)
Tasks: 3 (limit: 4915)
Memory: 6.9M
CGroup: /system.slice/pms_agent.service
└─17267 /usr/bin/python3 -u

Jun 07 19:06:53 b0x python3[17267]: error in 1
Jun 07 19:06:54 b0x python3[17267]: DEBUG:root:[FEEDER] Starting, locking
Jun 07 19:06:56 b0x python3[17267]: error in 0
Jun 07 19:06:57 b0x python3[17267]: DEBUG:root:[FEEDER] Starting, locking

The power_api documentation for reset_for_boot_update() classe said
Function for resetting MCU and go to boot mode.

Can you help me out of this state ?
Thank you in advance

Hi @adm,
It’s normal. The UPS HAT goes to bootloader mode so it only responds to firmware requests.

Does it have a procedure to get the UPS HAT out of this state ?

You need to reset your HAT.
Shorten the GND and RESET pins(shown in the figure below) to reset the HAT, which shifts to normal mode and then reboot.

Everything is OK now :+1:
Many thank