I’m having all the same problems as in this thread:
My device is saying it has no service by the STATUS LED. All the commands recommended in the thread above are saying “timeout”.
However twice earlier today my Pico LTE acquired service and was able to send an HTTP GET request based on the tutorial. Most of the time it wouldn’t connect even when the Status LED indicated it had signal.
I have tried the AT&F command, I tried flash nuking the Pico. Nothing is working. Am I just in a bad signal zone? Please help!
Update: the LED finally switched to Idle mode, meaning it has a connection, but it took 45 minutes. 45 seconds sounds reasonable. Is there any way to reduce this time? I’m on the east coast of the US.
Here are the results of these queries now:
at_command = “AT+COPS?” {‘response’: [‘AT+COPS?\r’, ‘+COPS: 0,0,“AT&T”,8’, ‘OK’], ‘status’: 0}
Thank you for the update. It seems the issue could be related to weak signal strength in your area, which may be causing the extended connection time. The device successfully connects to the AT&T network, but it may take longer in certain locations. If the issue persists, we recommend testing in a different area for better coverage. Let us know if you need further assistance!
Update: I bought a second Pico LTE. It took a whole overnight after I activated the SIM before my Blue LED flash indicated an LTE connection. After that, it operates flawlessly. Also what I learned after using the free version of webhook.site is that the URL changes after an unknown period of inactivity. Then you have to refresh the page and get a new URL and put that into your config.json.