Gpio export error when installing sixfab core

Hello, i have 4 systems now where the cellular connection cannot set up anymore. All of them use a rpi 4b with bookworm. The devices are online when using wlan but the cellular connection does not come up when i switch the wlan off. The dashboard always show the Connectivity Status and the Cellular Health as red.

When i install the sixfab core on the rpi the kernel logs an gpio export error for the PWR_DSBLE_P:

bash[1295]: /bin/sh: 1: echo: echo: I/O error
kernel: export_store: invalid GPIO 26
bash[1296]: /bin/sh: 1: cannot create /sys/class/gpio/gpio26/direction: Directory nonexistent
bash[1297]: /bin/sh: 1: cannot create /sys/class/gpio/gpio26/value: Directory nonexistent

This error occurs right after the reboot after the installation process and is logged continuously ~3 times every minute.

I now have a 5th system where i can’t get the cellular connection running. Despite being across different hardware setups, it appears on an RPi5 as well, the error occurs also across different versions of Bookworm. I tested it on the 2024-03-15 release, as well as 2024-07-04, 2024-11-19 and the current arm64 branch.

Our development team is actively working on resolving the issue. Once the necessary testing has been completed, we will proceed with the release.
We will keep you updated on the progress.

Thank you

We’re pleased to inform you that our development team has successfully resolved the issue and completed the necessary testing. The fix has now been released and is live.

We appreciate your patience and understanding throughout this process.