The device used to be able to connect to the web interface, but now I can’t get it to connect.
I manually updated the firmware to 0.3.22
Here are the outputs of some of the commands that were suggested:
pi@driving-cod:~ $ sudo systemctl status power_agent
● power_agent.service - Sixfab PMS Agent
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/power_agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2021-01-24 18:56:27 EST; 21h ago
Main PID: 482 (python3)
Tasks: 4 (limit: 3861)
CGroup: /system.slice/power_agent.service
├─ 482 /usr/bin/python3 -u
└─7666 ping -c1 -s0
Jan 24 18:56:27 driving-cod systemd[1]: Started Sixfab PMS Agent.
Jan 24 18:56:29 driving-cod sudo[624]: pi : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/opt/sixfab/pms/agent ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/cat
Jan 24 18:56:29 driving-cod sudo[624]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Jan 24 18:56:29 driving-cod sudo[624]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
lines 1-13/13 (END)
pi@driving-cod:~ $ sudo systemctl status power_request
● power_request.service - Sixfab UPS HAT Distributed API
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/power_request.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2021-01-24 18:56:24 EST; 21h ago
Main PID: 362 (python3)
Tasks: 2 (limit: 3861)
CGroup: /system.slice/power_request.service
└─362 /usr/bin/python3 /opt/sixfab/pms/api/
pi@driving-cod:~ $ sudo journalctl -u power_agent
– Logs begin at Sun 2021-01-24 18:17:01 EST, end at Mon 2021-01-25 16:12:48 EST. –
Jan 24 18:56:27 driving-cod systemd[1]: Started Sixfab PMS Agent.
Jan 24 18:56:29 driving-cod sudo[624]: pi : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/opt/sixfab/pms/agent ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/cat
Jan 24 18:56:29 driving-cod sudo[624]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Jan 24 18:56:29 driving-cod sudo[624]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
lines 1-5/5 (END)
pi@driving-cod:~ $ sudo journalctl -u power_request
– Logs begin at Sun 2021-01-24 18:17:01 EST, end at Mon 2021-01-25 16:13:12 EST. –
Jan 24 18:56:24 driving-cod systemd[1]: Started Sixfab UPS HAT Distributed API.
Jan 24 18:56:39 driving-cod python3[362]: * Serving Flask app “src” (lazy loading)
Jan 24 18:56:39 driving-cod python3[362]: * Environment: production
Jan 24 18:56:39 driving-cod python3[362]: WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deploy
Jan 24 18:56:39 driving-cod python3[362]: Use a production WSGI server instead.
Jan 24 18:56:39 driving-cod python3[362]: * Debug mode: off
Jan 24 18:56:39 driving-cod python3[362]: * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Jan 24 18:56:44 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 18:56:44] “GET /metrics/version HTTP/1.1” 200 -
Jan 24 18:56:44 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 18:56:44] “GET /signals/soft_shutdown HTTP/1.1”
Jan 24 18:56:44 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 18:56:44] “GET /signals/soft_reboot HTTP/1.1” 2
Jan 24 18:56:44 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 18:56:44] "GET /signals/system_temperature HTTP
Jan 24 18:56:44 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 18:56:44] "GET /signals/battery_temperature HTT
Jan 24 18:56:44 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 18:56:44] “GET /signals/watchdog HTTP/1.1” 200
Jan 24 19:04:33 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:04:33] “GET /signals/soft_shutdown HTTP/1.1”
Jan 24 19:04:33 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:04:33] “GET /signals/soft_reboot HTTP/1.1” 2
Jan 24 19:04:33 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:04:33] "GET /signals/system_temperature HTTP
Jan 24 19:04:33 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:04:33] "GET /signals/battery_temperature HTT
Jan 24 19:04:33 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:04:33] “GET /signals/watchdog HTTP/1.1” 200
Jan 24 19:04:48 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:04:48] “GET /signals/soft_shutdown HTTP/1.1”
Jan 24 19:04:48 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:04:48] “GET /signals/soft_reboot HTTP/1.1” 2
Jan 24 19:04:48 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:04:48] "GET /signals/system_temperature HTTP
Jan 24 19:04:48 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:04:48] "GET /signals/battery_temperature HTT
Jan 24 19:04:48 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:04:48] “GET /signals/watchdog HTTP/1.1” 200
Jan 24 19:05:03 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:05:03] “GET /signals/soft_shutdown HTTP/1.1”
Jan 24 19:05:03 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:05:03] “GET /signals/soft_reboot HTTP/1.1” 2
Jan 24 19:05:03 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:05:03] "GET /signals/system_temperature HTTP
Jan 24 19:05:03 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:05:03] "GET /signals/battery_temperature HTT
Jan 24 19:05:03 driving-cod python3[362]: - - [24/Jan/2021 19:05:03] “GET /signals/watchdog HTTP/1.1” 200
lines 1-29
The version you are using in power software may be outdated. Please delete the device, create a new device and try to set up again.
Also, can you check the firmware version with get_firmware_ver?
Using ‘sudo journalctl -u power_agent’ repeats the same line over and over. The is for power sixfab dot com, but the forum won’t let me post full output, as it thinks it is a link.
python3[19366]: ping: Temporary failure in name resolution