Can't connect to internet via Quectel EC25


  1. I am trying to connect Quectel EC25 attached toSixfab 3G-4G/LTE Base Shield v2 to RaspberryPi 3 B+ device. When I ping google, it’s going via wlan0 and not via wwan0. I’m not able to connect to the internet and can’t ping

  2. Which APN is recommended for this set-up?

Please direct me to the right steps.
Thanks in advance!

Hi @jyothsnanbhatt,
You can follow 2 tutorials for QMI connection:

  1. Setting up a data connection over QMI interface using libqmi
  2. QMI Interface Internet Connection Setup Using Sixfab Shield/HAT

For APN, contact your network provider.
If you’re still having trouble, please share the logs.

Thank you.

Thanks for the response!That was helpful.

I want to know if Sixfab shields along (with raspberry pie) can be integrated with the Core network over S1 interface? If yes, how do we do those configurations?

I do not intend to use ppp connections to connect to operator network, instead want it to connect over S1 interface.

Thanks in advance!