I cannot acquire a connection with the GPS using the telit LE910C1-EU module.
Following the instructions on the tutorial(Read GNSS/GPS Data with Sixfab Shield/HAT) the GPS cannot acquire the signal.
Also, I would need to use the GPS data from Python and if I try to run the gps.py file present in the tutorial(Sixfab_RPi_3G-4G-LTE_Base_HAT/GPS.py at master · sixfab/Sixfab_RPi_3G-4G-LTE_Base_HAT · GitHub) I get the error: [Errno 16] could not open port / dev / ttyUSB1: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy: ‘/ dev / ttyUSB1’
I have no more ideas.
Is there anyone who could help me?