I am new at this and was wondering if this is what a successful startup looks like after implementing the quectel driver on linux and android. Thank you!
daz@daz:~/Downloads$ adb logcat -b radio -v time
01-01 20:30:12.807 D/RILD ( 605): **RIL Daemon Started**
01-01 20:30:12.807 D/RILD ( 605): **RILd param count=3**
01-01 20:30:13.072 D/RILD ( 605): RIL_Init argc = 3 clientId = 0
01-01 20:30:13.072 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): Quectel RIL Version: Quectel_Android_RIL_Driver_V2.9.6
01-01 20:30:13.072 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): libquectel-ril build info: On branch master Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 12 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. 2456106f3e94775ab344a2254b6d65816e7c9e32 04/14/20_13:17:15
01-01 20:30:13.072 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): Compiled date: Apr 14 2020 time: 13:17:19
01-01 20:30:13.072 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RIL_READ_CONF( 605): '/system/etc/ql-ril.conf' not exist.
01-01 20:30:13.084 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): t-prop_value is 1
01-01 20:30:13.084 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): before_dot is 9
01-01 20:30:13.084 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): [ro.build.version.release]: [9.0]
01-01 20:30:13.084 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): Android Version: 90, RIL_VERSION: 12 / 12
01-01 20:30:13.084 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): [ro.build.description]: [msm8937_64-user 8.1.0 OPM1.171019.019 236 release-keys]
01-01 20:30:13.084 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): [ro.hardware]: [qcom]
01-01 20:30:13.085 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): selinux maybe set Enforcing mode, use command getenforce to check
01-01 20:30:13.085 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): selinux maybe set Enforcing mode, use command "setenforce 0" to disable
01-01 20:30:13.085 I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): clientID = 0
01-01 20:30:13.116 I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 605): mainLoop Start
01-01 20:30:13.117 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILU( 605): cannot find ttyname for AT Port
04-22 02:16:30.912 D/TelephonyManager( 618): No /proc/cmdline exception=java.io.FileNotFoundException: /proc/cmdline (Permission denied)
04-22 02:16:30.912 D/TelephonyManager( 618): /proc/cmdline=
04-22 02:16:34.649 D/TelephonyManager( 619): No /proc/cmdline exception=java.io.FileNotFoundException: /proc/cmdline (Permission denied)
04-22 02:16:34.649 D/TelephonyManager( 619): /proc/cmdline=
04-22 02:16:34.747 E/TelephonyManager( 1166): IMSI error: Subscriber Info is null
04-22 02:16:36.277 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1166): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
04-22 02:16:36.660 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1166): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
04-22 02:16:37.267 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1345): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
04-22 02:16:37.301 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1166): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
04-22 02:16:37.356 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1166): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
04-22 02:16:37.427 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1166): systemRunning register for intents
04-22 02:16:37.452 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1166): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
04-22 02:16:37.849 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1166): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
04-22 02:16:37.985 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1166): notifyCellLocationForSubscriber: subId=0 cellLocation=Bundle[{}]
04-22 02:16:38.110 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1166): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
04-22 02:16:48.001 I/ImsManager( 1580): Creating ImsService
04-22 02:16:48.001 W/MmTelFeatureConnection( 1580): create: binder is null! Slot Id: 0