Driver for 5.4.51-v7l+ kernel not found

@paotang.kao Thank you! Yes, when I press that button, wwan0 is finally recognized. I would expect qmi_reconnect to be able to enable the hardware.

@ensar, should the driver/service assert the power up sequence? How can I make the hat work upon reboot without manually pushing the button?

@paotang.kao Like you, that did not completely fix the issue. The interface is unable to get a lease/ip address. I can solve that by doing what others in this thread have done: disabling dhcpcd. HOWEVER, this only works while the PI is still on. When I do this and reboot I don’t get ANY of my network interfaces, so I’m forced to connect a keyboard and monitor an restart dhcpcd.

@ensar Can you clarify the interaction between dhcpdc and udhcpc and advise on the best way to have them play together so I get all of my network interfaces on reboot, including LTE? Thanks!!

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl status qmi_reconnect.service
● qmi_reconnect.service - QMI Auto Connection
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/qmi_reconnect.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-10-14 16:14:54 BST; 28s ago
 Main PID: 1452 (sh)
    Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/qmi_reconnect.service
           ├─1452 /bin/sh /usr/src/
           ├─1472 sudo ./quectel-CM -s hologram
           └─1473 ./quectel-CM -s hologram

Oct 14 16:15:04 raspberrypi sh[1452]: udhcpc: started, v1.30.1
Oct 14 16:15:04 raspberrypi sh[1452]: No resolv.conf for interface wwan0.udhcpc
Oct 14 16:15:04 raspberrypi udhcpc[1498]: wwan0: deconfigured
Oct 14 16:15:04 raspberrypi sh[1452]: udhcpc: sending discover
Oct 14 16:15:07 raspberrypi sh[1452]: udhcpc: sending discover
Oct 14 16:15:10 raspberrypi sh[1452]: udhcpc: sending discover
Oct 14 16:15:13 raspberrypi sh[1452]: udhcpc: sending discover
Oct 14 16:15:16 raspberrypi sh[1452]: udhcpc: sending discover
Oct 14 16:15:20 raspberrypi udhcpc[1519]: wwan0: configuration failed: leasefail:
Oct 14 16:15:20 raspberrypi sh[1452]: udhcpc: no lease, failing